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Services & Spa Our values Maternity skincare & bodycare expert: from pregnancy to delivery
We're often asked for pregnancy skincare tips.
Our main piece of advice for these precious nine months is to relax as much as possible, listen to yourself, and pamper your body as you go through this beautiful transformation. With our helpful advice, guide and gift ideas, we're here to help you take care of yourself during your pregnancy or help you support your loved ones as they transition into motherhood.
Find the right advice for you:
During pregnancy
Post pregnancy
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Pregnancy-safe spa treatments to enjoy
Everything expectant mothers need to feel as relaxed and pampered as possible.
Discover the treatment*Important note: We offer advice on the physical appearance of new motherhood. It is not intended to replace advice from your doctor, midwife, or physical therapist. They are the ones treating you and they know you. They are qualified to make the final judgement on what you can and cannot do for your health.
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